Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today we went to St. John's Co-Cathedral before classes and tutoring. It was absolutely beautiful. I'm always drawn to candles in churches. They bring light and warmth. Always good things. :)

While our tour guide apologized profusely that there was renovation going on in the church, I considered us lucky. Not only was the church being renovated, but the organ was being repaired and tuned. As we left the organist played a portion of 'Ave Verum Corpus.' As a good friend would say, 'wonderfully terrific.'

We're off to Turkey at 3am on Thursday! Lots of pictures and stories to come, I'm sure! Hope all is well at home, take care!
Love, Audrey


margaret said...

I thought i would be in time to leave you a message before you left for Turkey. Once again I am not thinking outside of my little world of Racine, WI. I think just because it is Wednesday here it is Wednesday everywhere else. Sometimes I just have to roll my eyes at myself and I can hear my kids in my head "that's okay Margie." Anyway---candles. Love 'em and don't burn 'em enough. I don't know what it is about them but they can immediately sooth. I guess we can look at what they offer---light, warmth, comfort. They represent hope, love, courage. We use them for atmosphere, in remembrance of loved ones, and to calm our spirits. Plus, everybody looks better in candle light! All good things! So why should we question our love affair with this mysterious flame? This light of hope, this light of love, this light of courage. I think it is something that is understood across all cultures.
Hope you have fun in Turkey!
Love ya, sweetie!

Oh---thanks so much for the postcard! It is beautiful! it's hanging on my fridge!

kts9600 said...

Hi Audrey - again really enjoy these beautiful pictures! Think of how many people have passed through the doors over the centuries!! We're headed to Des Moines today - going to hear Harvard professor Steven Biel and film-maker Sasha Waters Freyer talk about "American Gothic" and all of the parodies. Think it is a painting known around the world - similar to Mona Lisa in a way. It's been moved from Chicago for a few weeks to come back to Iowa. Anne & Tim are driving back to UNI from Missouri today. Will was home earlier. Nice seeing them as they stopped by for a little of their spring break. Glad you had fun in Turkey. I stayed in Instanbul for a week of orientation for AFS and a week after, but was taking malaria meds the first week without food - not a good idea!! It would be interesting to go back. Thinking of you - have a good week! Love, Kris

kts9600 said...

Or as they say in Turkey - Istanbul :-) :-)