Saturday, April 25, 2009

A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Here's a little local flavor from the island. These are the things we walk by on our way to school. We're beginning to feel a little bittersweet. 26 more days.

Welcome to Sliema---they thank you for driving carefully. I wonder who they're talking to. :)

Typical traffic scene---good luck crossing! We've become quite good at dodging. Occasionally you can find a "Humped zebra crossing" which guarantees you a slight chance that cars will stop before careening into you. :)

On the way to school we also pass our friendly produce man and get snacks for lunch and dinner. I'll definitely miss these places when I get home. I don't think I've eaten anything packaged since I left the states.

Here's another typical scene---notice the traffic jam and the men yelling out in the streets. They're not really mad, people just talk really loud here.

We also pass our church on the way to school. It's a small quaint church with English services. They also have an excellent coffee hour. And, the parishioners are always so welcoming. It makes for a nice Sunday morning.

And, finally after our 4 mile trek we make it to the University of Malta. This is usually when the sun comes out and we sit in class for 6 hours. :)

On the way back we usually make a detour so we can see the sea, it is far too beautiful to pass up. I loved catching this fisherman at work. What daily dedication it must take to keep throwing those nets out.

Here's our last turn, when we turn this corner we know we're home at last (home in Malta at least).

These aren't totally related to our walk to and from school, but they're from Good Friday. You know it's a big deal when Malta brings out the Nuns and the Marching Bands. Those two things combined equal a national holiday. :) I like the clarinetists.

That's all from Malta's version of Lake Wobegon. Hope all is well at home---I'll be joining the states soon. Time sure does go by. As excited as I am to get home, I'll miss these walks.

Love from Malta,

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