Sunday, February 1, 2009

When in Rome...

Go to church.
Eat lots of pasta.
Walk carefully.
Watch out for cars.
Have fun!

We did all of these things today! We were guided by a Dominican priest to the Basilica of San Clemente. It was beautiful! We walked down underneath the church to the original chapel which was destroyed in the war. The church was rebuilt by the Pope on top of the remaining ruins.

Then we headed to the Pantheon. It is the site where the Christians overtook the Pagans and built their first church. It was huge, with a beautiful ceiling and mosaic floor. Then, it was back to the hotel for dinner. Now we're packing and headed to Malta. We should be in Malta by Monday night. It will be nice to be settled into our flats. We're touring the Vatican early tomorrow morning before going to the airport.

It's been great to be in Rome, what an adventure. Classes start Tuesday with orientation, so we're all enjoying our last days before school starts. Hope all is well in the states, I miss all of you! Take care, next time you hear from me I'll be in Malta!



Natalee said...

awesome!! r those pics from today!? love u!

margaret said...

hey sweetie!!
what great pics! i am so excited for you and can't wait to hear how malta is. Sounds like things are going well so far. i would love to see all those ruins, but you know the draw for me would be the coffee houses. if your mom and i went there we would never see any of the tourist stuff--we would just sit in all the cafes drinking our coffee and chai and people watch! let me know if malta has a starbucks!! love you!