Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life is now.

"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time."
Andre Gide

I've always lived by water. Watched the sunrise over Lake Michigan on my way to high school, had bonfires in the backyard on the Root River, ran along the Upper Iowa at Luther, spent days driving by the Mississippi going to G & G T's, walked along the bridge to the playground on 5 Mile Road with cousins following behind, spent summer days at Browns' Lake, weekends at the cottage on Beaufort Lake. I've lost sight of all of those shores. They're all 1000's of miles away.

I now find myself looking at the vast, open Mediterranean Sea every day. It is big. I can't see the other side. I miss my home. I miss my family. But, there's a billboard along the sea that says "Life is now." I try to remember that and embrace that everyday. Sometimes it's hard, but I'm working on it. We taught English again yesterday. The man I tutored told me his 3 brothers and father were all murdered before he escaped from Somalia. He has also lost sight of his home. The courage and hopefulness he puts forth everyday keep me going. He is determined. Our paths crossed for some reason, I am teaching him English, he is teaching me about life. I get to go home again, his future is very uncertain. I hope he makes it.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

margaret said...

Hey sweetie!!
I agree that people come into our lives for a reason. Some for a few minutes and some for years. They may teach us something that is life altering or something that is of small significance-such as a good place to get coffee! Wait a minute! THAT is life altering!! Their lessons may leave a permanent stamp on our souls or just provide us with a smile for our day. Or sometimes when our paths cross with others it has nothing to do with us at all. WE may be in THEIR life for a reason.
Regardless, i do not believe we are on this earth to travel alone. I think that is impossible. That is why you see people remarrying. Why there are groups, clans, families, and friends. I think it is human nature to seek out others.
I think your tutoring will provide you with your most memorable experiences. It is people and their stories that leave the most lasting impressions.
Love ya!!