Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's the journey...

...not the destination. We tell ourselves that a lot. Especially when we get lost. We were happy to find out yesterday that our professor had to cancel today's class. With an entire day free, we all woke up ready to go. I was lucky enough to be able to start the day with a long run. It was sunny and warm this morning; taking Malta in by foot has become one of my favorite things to do. I love running by the fishing boats and watching them head out to sea for the day. After the run, I returned to the flat, made a quick lunch and we declared an 'Adventure Day.' These have become quite common on free days, they usually involve multiple maps, bus routes, schedules, some tension and lots of laughs. We decided on a village called Birzebuggia, known for its caves. It's on the opposite side of Malta meaning a definite way to attain a bus adventure. We went to Valletta and changed buses no problem. We found the bus to Birzebuggia, however, this thing always happens when we get on a bus---we never know where to get off. That happened again today and we ended up at the bus terminal (where everyone is forced to get off). But, we remembered that "it's the journey" and found a nice beach and view of the water and surrounding town while we tried to get our bearings.

After asking some locals how to get to Birzebuggia, they told us to get on another bus. "Only 4 stops," a woman told us. Famous last words. We said, "No thanks," and decided to walk. We sure got in our exercise. We finally found the town after an hour or so of walking on various highways. :) Once in the town we found the cave Ghar Hasan, our original draw to Birzebuggia. After seeing huge 'Danger' signs we realized that it had collapsed and people were not being allowed in. Good to know. We looked at our maps again and found another cave, Ghar Dalam. It has proof of some of the earliest human activity on Malta dating back to 5000 BC. We walked some more and found the tiny entrance. It turned out to be awesome, we walked around in it for a while and visited the neighboring museum. It was a great day to be out and about.

Finding a bus back always seems easier, we just look for the heap of weary tourists and congregate with them. They're mostly from the UK and speak English. We tell them we've been here over a month and can't figure out the buses either and they feel better about their struggles. It's a win-win. :)

Lots of love from Malta,

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