Friday, February 27, 2009


Today we went on a walking tour of Valletta, it was nice to get the "official tour" and actually know what things are. We've been walking by them for weeks wondering what all of the huge buildings are. The picture above is where Malta's Prime Minister lives. It is a beautiful building, and the rain even held off during our walk outside! We also went to the State Armory and saw all of the old armor used by the Knights. After that, we headed to one of our favorite places, Barrakka Gardens and saw a British Navy ship coming into harbor. It was neat to see all the soldiers stationed around the ship and the tug boar pulling them in.

After walking around the gardens for a while and soaking in the greenery, we went to the Casa Rocca Piccolo, a 16th Century Palace. We couldn't take pictures, but it was awesome, trust me! The palace includes underground bomb shelters from WWII, we climbed down to visit the stone chambers. Back in the palace dining room, our tour included a pastry and an awesome cup of coffee. I'm afraid I'm becoming a coffee addict here in Malta, I'll be ready for some Wilson's trips with my mom when I'm home. :)

I did manage to get a picture of the palace's courtyard. We're enjoying all the plants we can, Malta is virtually a limestone jungle. After visiting Valletta we did some cleaning, went grocery shopping and are finally getting to work at our papers. Our Friday night will be inside consisting of research...and maybe some tv (if we can find an English channel), it's still a monsoon out there. However, on a more fun note we booked flights to Sicily for the beginning of May, even more incentive to get our homework done now so we can travel later. Our travels start in 3 weeks with Turkey. I better go do my homework. :) Hope all is well at home, you are all thought of daily! Sending love from Malta.
Love, Audrey

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